Our History
The Association is a not-for-profit organisation formed in 1990 by local people concerned at the lack of affordable homes within the area. We are a Registered Social Landlord (RSL) and a Scottish Charity (No. SC037849). We have a subsidiary Venachar Ltd which was established in 2013.
We are also a registered letting agency Letting Agent Registration Nos.:
LARN1907004 (RSHA) and LARN1904083 Venachar Ltd.
We serve the communities of rural Stirling - that part of the Stirling Council area extending to the north and west of the A9 – an area of around 750 square miles, around half of which falls within Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park. Tyndrum and Killin in the north and to Strathblane in the south west with the small town of Callander roughly in the middle. Our office is in Doune. We also have an active programme to build new homes.
As at 31st January 2025 we have 681 homes available for social rent, 7 shared ownership properties, 6-mid market rent propeties leased to Venachar Ltd ( our subsidiary) and a further 6 properties leased to other organisations. We also provide a factoring service to 35 owner occupiers.
Rural Stirling Group
Our current Strategic and Business Plans are available in the Library section of the website.
We annually review our Business Plan, Delivery Plan and Key Risks.
Our Vision, Mission & Values
Our vision is strong and attractive rural communities.
Our mission is to provide affordable, quality housing and support community aspirations.
We will build and manage affordable homes and other services to help our communities grow and thrive. We will do this by working closely with our customers, communities and local stakeholders. Great service and value for money will be at our core and we will strive relentlessly to balance both.
The following values will shape how we do business:
Accountable |
Our Board will provide strong strategic leadership and oversight, ensuring tenant and other service users’ priorities are protected and at the forefront of all that we do. All our staff will be accountable and we will always be transparent. |
Ambitious |
We are committed to being excellent, and maximising opportunity for our people and the tenants and service users that we serve. |
Caring |
The services that we deliver will meet the needs of our tenants, future tenants, applicants and service users and will be delivered by professional and caring staff. We care deeply about the design, life-long quality and the cost of our homes, and their impact on the physical and social environment. |
Collaborative |
We will work collaboratively with all sections of the local community, our tenants and service users, and with our partners to improve the lives of our residents. We will be a proactive member of our local communities, seeking out new, innovative ways to address issues that impact our residents. |
Inclusive |
We are strong advocates of equality and diversity, and value the perspectives and contributions of everyone with whom we are connected. |
Respectful |
We will treat everyone with respect: this is equally important for those outside the organisation, such as customers, other service users communities and partners, as it is for our employees and Board. |