How we are Run
The Association is an independent body overseen by a volunteer Board of Management of up to 15 people. These currently include Association tenants, local community activists and people with professional expertise who have an interest in, and commitment to, the work of the Association.
The Board takes all strategic, policy and major
Each year we submit an Annual Assurance Statement to the Scottish Housing Regulator, and produce an Annual Performance Report for our members, tenants and all other stakeholders.
The Regulator reviews our annual submissions and provides the Association with an Engagment Plan. These plans are available in the Library on our website on Scottish Housing Regulator page.
Rules of the Association.
The Board is elected by the members of the Association at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Life Membership is open to everyone who supports our objectives, in accordance with our Membership Policy, and on payment of £1. We currently have around 122 members, the majority of whom are tenants of the Association.
Being a member entitles you to:
- Take part in our AGM
- Elect members of the Board
- Stand for election
- Receive regular newsletters and other information about the work of the Association.
Interested? contact the office either by phoning 01786 841101 or email .